Pondok Pesantren ALMATERA (Al-Mumin Muhammadiyah Tembarak)

The Winter Story

By: Alzena Dzikra Syakira (Sena)

Snow began to fall on the road, making the leaves beautiful with snowflakes, snow pellets scattered around the pine trees. Bubo scandiacus, a great white owl from the true owl family perched on a spruce tree branch,

Ellena Martinez, a little girl with Amber eyes, her straight red hair flowing down to her small shoulders, thin brown freckles adorning her cheeks.

Ellena, she often wears a pink fleece outer, decorated with pink flamingo lace, during the winter.

This Sunday morning, Ellena looked out the window and saw snowflakes falling.

“Mama! I want to go out right now! And…-“ Ellena gulped because Ellena was getting so excited. “And then.. and then!  play with Adam, we’re gonna makes Snowman!” That’s what Ellena said while jumping and going straight looking at her mom who’s spinning sweaters on the couch in the living room. “Sure! Why not?!! You also can snowboarding on a snow hill with William!” Charlotte Martinez, Ellena’s mom  answered in the same excited tone as Ellena and was still holding her green’s sweater on her left hand, and her right hand rubbing Ellen’s back.

The next morning, Ellena got up from her bed in the happiest mood ever.

Mama looked out of the window to look at the weather outside.., Sadly a blizzard hit the middle of the city and several spruce trees fell in the forest.

“Ellena.., It looks like you can’t play with snow outside right now.” Mama said with a sad tone while looking at Ellena teary eyes. “But.. Ma… William can protect me!” Ellena grumbled while slamming her hands on her mother’s thighs, Ellena started to cry a lot. Ellena fell asleep at her mother’s thigh.

“She just wants to make a snowman, mom..!” William Martinez, Ellena’s big brother. walks into Ellena’s room while looking at her mom and her little sister that’s sleeping on her pink bed.

“Look outside! She can get a fever, and you are still too young to protect Ellena, William..” Mama scolded William while rubbing Ellena’s head, William sighed and walked out while getting the dark blue scarf that was around his neck.

At the hill full of snow William hold Ellena hands and walks around the forest.

“Ellena, Did you know there’s beautiful mountain that’s full of snow my friend’s said the snow so soft,  softer than in front of our houses Come on!”. William said while shifting branches in the forest.

Sooner Ellena and William reach on the mountain full of the most softer than in front of their houses Ellena running happily on the glaze and suddenly the glaze had broken out. Ellena’s foot fall in the icy water William shock saw his little sister fall in the glaze that’s cold

William immediately  reach Ellena hands and pull out Ellena.

Ellena looked very cold, William hold Ellena body in his arms so tight make Ellena warm so

William carrying Ellena in his arms, He walks through the forest footpath with worried feeling.

He worried if he reached the house he will get mad by his mother and his father. With guilty feeling William mumbled. “Im sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry…” . Tears down through his red cheeks he didn’t realized that he have reach in front of the door.

At the Martinez dining table.

“Where’s Ellena?, Dear…?” Noah Martinez, Ellena’s dad asked to his wifes, while spooned a mouthful of corn soup, “She’s getting fever..” Charlotte answered Noah’s question with a sad tone.

“How can she get a fever?!”

“When you were working this afternoon, the storm hadn’t stopped… it started slowly… then William and Ellena decided to leave the house… I stopped them but… I’m sorry Noah, I couldn’t look after them..”.

“Its okay Charlotte.., it’s not your fault.., and where’s William?”

“In his room.He’s getting mad or sad. I don’t know…”

Noah walks to William’s room, Noah knocks on William’s door rooms.”Liam..? Are you there?” Noah asked while putting his ear to the white wooden door of William’s room.

“I’m sorry Dad.. I didn’t mean to make Ellena get a fever! I just want to play outside with her.”

William explained to his Dad about his feelings. “It’s okay Liam, it’s not your fault you we’re doing great, you make Ellena happy! didn’t you?” said Dad to encourage William who still felt guilty.

“Hey boy, listen. If you have a problem please, solve the problem, don’t hide like this. You were a boy, you’d be a gentleman soon!” .

Suddenly the doors open, William walks out of the room and hugs his Dad tightly, Dad hugs William back and rubs his head. “Come on, your mom is waiting for you, she’s worried about you.”

William just nodded with his father’s invitation to go to the dining table to enjoy dinner together.

The next morning Ellena started to recover and was able to enjoy the coolness of playing in the snow with William and her parents. Four snowmen beautify their yard house.

❄-The End-❄

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