Pondok Pesantren ALMATERA (Al-Mumin Muhammadiyah Tembarak)

Black Swan

“Wendy!! Get down here and eat your toast!!” Mom shouted from downstairs. I don’t care. I’m not in the mood. I don’t wanna do anything right now. I locked myself in my room with nothing to eat. I’m hungry but I don’t want to go outside my room. “Wendy, I will countdown from 5 and if you’re not eating your toast I’m gonna get you out” shout Mom again. “5!!” I’m still not responding. “4, Wendy, get down here!!” I heard stomping from the stairs. Mom is going to get me. “3, Wendy you have to eat or you’ll get starved!!” said Mom. “2!!” Mom is in front of my room. I can see her shadow from under the door. “1, Wendy open the door!!” Mom banging on the door. I curled up behind my door while covering my ears with my hands. “Wendy, get out here!!” Mom banging the door harder. “WENDY!!” shout Mom. I don’t wanna get out there. I don’t want to socialize right now. I heard Mom started to cry. “Wendy, it’s been a week. Can’t you just… get out of your room for once? What’s wrong with you?” cried Mom. “Mom, stop being delusional” I said with a low voice.

            “That’s right. You’re doing great” said my ballet master, Julianne. After my rehearsal ended, I sit in the corner of the rehearsal room and take off my ballet shoes.

“I can’t believe the director chose Wendy as the main ballet dancer for the Black Swan theatre” said Vivianne.

“So what? She’s good at it. The theatre will get so many good rates with Wendy as the main dancer” said Ruby. I smiled hearing what Ruby had just said. “Don’t act like a sweet best friend. I’m sure she’ll ruin the theatre ‘cause she can’t even do the fouette, besides,” Vivianne hasn’t finished her words but Julianne cut it. “Viv, your Dad is here” said Julianne. “Ugh, shut up Julies. Besides, Wendy will be replaced when the director knows she can’t do the fouette. I just know it” said Vivianne.

“But Viv, the director is your own father” said Ruby.

“And that’s the reason why I’m saying all this” said Vivianne leaving the room. I got chosen to be the main dancer? And Vivianne managed to get me replaced? I can’t believe it.

            “You? A main dancer? Wendy, my sweet girl!! You made it!!” said Mom hugging me when I tell her about what I’ve heard. “But Mom, Vivianne…” I haven’t finished my words and Mom started talking to herself. “My girl is going to be the main dancer!! I will upload it. I’m gonna get famous!!” said Mom. “Mom, hear me out. Vivianne managed to..” I haven’t finished my words again. “I don’t care what Vivianne thinks, what I care about is that you are my daughter and you’re gonna be the main dancer for the Black Swan theatre” said Mom. I give up. I have to be the main dancer for the Black Swan theatre to make Mom proud of me. But what about Vivianne’s plan? I can’t sleep all night thinking about being replaced, Mom’s being disappointed, and learning about fouette. Honestly, if Mom isn’t an overrated mother, I wouldn’t be so worried. But I could imagine if Mom knows that I’m being replaced.

            The next morning, I’m still in my room learning about fouette. “Wendy, eat your breakfast!! A main dancer always eat their breakfast” shout Mom. “Coming Mom!!” I ran to go downstairs and went to the kitchen. “There is my main dancer!!” said Mom with a big smile. I smiled awkwardly. “Let’s practice after you finished your breakfast. I know perfectly how to do the Black Swan” said Mom. “But Mom, there’s something I need to tell you” Mom ignored me again. She keep focuses on her “Mastering ALL the ballet dance” book. “Chapter Black Swan, page 1025” Mom mumbling. I rolled my eyes. “Aha! Here it is” said Mom. “Mom! Can’t you just pay attention to what I’m trying to say?” I said. “Oh sorry, go on” said Mom. “Mom, Vivianne is the daughter of Mr. Charles Van Rensselaer. And Mr. Van Rensselaer is the director!! She’s trying to make me being replaced. Besides, I can’t do the fouette” I said what I wanted to say since yesterday. “You can’t do the fouette?!” Mom surprised. “I mean- in progress” I said. “Good, I guess we can’t practice after breakfast ‘cause your ballet rehearsal starts in about 15 minutes” said Mom. I quickly getting ready to the the rehearsal.

            “Ms. McCole, you’re late 3 minutes” said the director. “Sorry, Mr. Van Rensselaer” I said. “That’s okay, join the line please” said the director. “Attention everyone, I’m Charles Van Rensselaer. The director of the ballet company, Ballerini con l’Opera. And I’m here to watch ballerinas doing the fouette. And I will select the best fouette dancer to be the main dancer for the Black Swan theatre” said Mr. Van Rensselaer. “But, Mr. Van Rensselaer. I thought you already chose someone to be the main dancer” said Tiana. “Please, call me Mr. Charles. And no, I haven’t chose someone yet. Well I was, but I changed my mind. Who tell you that I already have someone that I chose?” said Mr. Charles. Ruby raised her hand. “Yes?” said Mr. Charles. “Vivianne told us, Mr. Charles” said Ruby. Mr. Charles didn’t react at all. “Well, let’s get this selection started” said Mr. Charles. Vivianne had an evil smile on her face that made me quickly realized. She asked her father to do this. “Is this part of your plan, Viv?” said Ruby. “Mhm, I asked my dad to choose me. And Ruby, I hate complainants” said Vivianne. Ruby stopped walking for a while. I think I know what she’s thinking about.

                        After some ballerinas showing their fouette, it’s finally my turn to do the fouette. Twirl, twirl, twirl. After 3 fouettes, I fell off. “Hahaha! Look at the mice who wanted to be the main dancer but only twirls 3 times” said Vivianne. “Viv!!” said Ruby trying to stop Vivianne from making fun of me. “That’s not very nice of you, Viv” said Mr. Charles. “Listen to your father, Viv” said Julianne with an arrogant smile. Vivianne pouted. All the ballerinas have done the fouette and Mr. Charles is ready to announced who the main dancer is going to be. “Everyone, I have made the decision” said Mr. Charles. I crossed my finger, hoping that his decision would still be me. “I know it’s gonna be me, I’m his daughter” said Vivianne arrogantly. “And the main dancer would be… Ruby Willson” said Mr. Charles. Everyone is in shock. Vivianne shouted in disbelieve. “But- Papà, pensavo che mi amassi. How dare you chose a complainant girl over your lovely daughter” cried Vivianne. I stared at Vivianne. How can she be so overrated? Suddenly, my nose is bleeding. I ran to the toilet. I stared myself in the mirror, and felt scared. My reflection doesn’t bleed her nose at all when I clearly bleeding my nose and the blood dripped to my ballet skirt. I touched the mirror. The reflection touched the mirror too. “Wh- who are you?” I said. “It started. You’re from different dimensions” said my reflection.

            “What do you mean we’re in different dimension? You’re clearly my reflection in a mirror” I said. “You don’t understand. Put your hand on the mirror and pull me out of here” said my reflection. “Don’t tell me what to do. What if you’re an evil trying to replace me?” I feel offended. “I’m you from another dimension” said my reflection. “Of course you’re me from another dimension. You’re literally my reflection. And because you’re my reflection, you’re from another dimension. Is this some kind of an illusion or something? Do I have a schizophrenia?” I said.

“No, trust me” said my reflection.

“How can I trust you?” I asked.

“You dip your biscuit into a dish soap and put it in your diaper when you were a baby. And because you have a sensitive skin, your butt started to feel itchy. Now get me outta here” said my reflection. I blushed. I put my hand on the mirror and started to pull her out of the mirror. “Can I start explaining?” said my reflection. I mean, me from another dimension. “I’m waiting since we were talking” I said. “I’m you from another dimension. I’m a ballerina, born in March 10, my Mom is overrated and strange sometimes, and my name is Wendy McCole. We’re still the same, but different storyline. I’m gonna ask you, are you chosen to be the main dancer for the Black Swan theatre?” said me from another dimension. “No, Ruby does” I said. “In my dimension, I got chosen. In other dimensions, Vivianne got chosen, nobody got chosen, or the Black Swan theatre is cancelled. There’s so many dimensions out there” said me from another dimension. “How’d you know? Are you a dimension traveller? Or you’re the one who made all this?” I asked. “No I’m not, it all started with my nose bleeding. I ran to the bathroom and saw my reflection in the mirror doesn’t bleed their nose. Just like you, have you ever bleed your nose?” she asked. “No, this is the first time my nose is bleeding in my whole life” I answered. “Same, so whenever we bleed our nose, we have to search for a mirror and pull our reflection from the mirror and we get in to the mirror. So we swapped dimension” she said. “So I have to swap dimension with you?” I asked. “Now!” she said. “But- what about the Black Swan theatre? What about Mom? What about my storyline?” I said. “Each of ourselves have to swap dimension and get through their storyline. We never have our own permanent storyline” she said. “Does this happen to everyone?” I asked. A moment of silent. “Apparently, it only happened to us. It only happened to every Wendy McCole in every dimensions” she said. I felt silent. “Fine, but there’s something you have to know. Please do whatever you can to be the main dancer” I said. “What? Geez, no. I can’t change the storyline whenever I want. We have to go through it. If the storyline get changed, every dimensions will get broken” she said. “And remember, when our nose bleeds, we have to swap dimension with whoever is in the mirror. Or else” she said again. I stared at her. “Please, trust me” I get in to the mirror. I’m still in the toilet. I look at the mirror again. My reflection waved, and then back to a normal reflection.

            I get out of the toilet and met Ruby. Ruby from another dimension. “Oh my god, Wendy congrats!! I know you can be a main dancer” she said. “Thank you, but why do you congrats me?” I asked. “Sorry? This is what best friends do, right? Anyways, I’ll go get you an ice cream” she said. Ruby is my best friend in this dimension. “Ruby, where’s Viv?” I asked again. “Why are you looking for her? She went missing a year ago” she said. Vivianne went missing a year ago? “Wendy, are you okay?” she asked. I smiled and shook my head. I just have to get through this and swap dimension when my nose bleeds. This is easy. Me and Ruby change clothes and went to the ice cream shop. “I’ll pay for you, as a congrats ‘cause you got the role as a main dancer” said Ruby. “Oh god, Ruby. Thank you so much” I said. After bought some ice creams, we went to the park until I saw someone familiar. Blonde hair, big eyes, big lips. It’s a girl. The girl saw me and then ran as fast as she could. “Hey, wait!!” I shouted. “Wendy!! Where are you going?” shout Ruby. I chased the girl but the girl ran faster. “Aha! Got you!!” I said when I catches the girl. The girl’s face. “Viv?!” I said. “You’re not supposed to see me, you jerk” said Vivianne. “Aren’t you suppose to be missing a year ago?” I asked. “I am?” she asked back. “I thought you’re suppose to know that” I said. “I’m not missing, I’m just following you from the toilet” said Vivianne. “Following from the- wait, you followed me from the toilet when I get out and I met Ruby or followed me when I met me from another dimension?” I asked. “I followed you when you get in to the mirror, I was curious why you ran to the toilet when Dad said Ruby got to be the main dancer. I thought you were crying” she said. “You’re not supposed to be here. You’re not supposed to know about this” I said. “Where are we, jerk?” asked Vivianne. “We’re in another dimension. Hold up, if you followed me through the mirror and went to another dimension with me, that means our dimension had a missing Vivianne. This is not another dimension, Viv. This is the future!!” I said. “Follow me, we need a mirror” “But what about Ruby?” she asked. “Don’t care, let’s go” I answered. We went to my house and went to my room. “Make my nose bleeding, Viv” I said. “How? Do I have to cut your nose?” she said. “No, I mean… nosebleed!! Make my nose had a nosebleed” I said. “Bro, you crazy? How am I suppose to make your nose had a nosebleed?” Vivianne suddenly asked a lot. “I don’t know, make me dizzy?” I said. Suddenly, a lot of blood came out of my nose. “AAHH!!” shout Vivianne. “Sshh, it started” I said. The reflection of the mirror doesn’t bleed their nose. “Have you met me?” I asked. “Which Wendy McCole are you?” my reflection said. “The one that doesn’t trust a Wendy McCole? The one from the dimension that Ruby was the one who got the role to be the main dancer” I said. “Oh it’s you, again. Why do we swap dimension again?” she said. “No, hear me out. Vivianne from my dimension followed me to your dimension where Vivianne supposed to be missing” I said. “No way. No, no, no, no, no, no. That’s gonna change the whole storyline and dimensions!! In your dimension, there’s news about Vivianne went missing. I thought it was normal ‘cause in my dimension, Vivianne went missing. Viv, you broke the whole dimensions!!” said my reflection. “What do we do?” I asked. “I think we have to go through it. Viv, do you wanna stay in that dimension or going back to your dimension?” she said. “Of course I wanna go back to my dimension” said Vivianne. “Touch the mirror” Vivianne touched the mirror and my reflection pulled her.

            My journey in other dimension went well. I practiced and went to a lot rehearsal for the Black Swan theatre. And finally, the day had come. The Black Swan theatre has begun. I perform well, at least that’s what Mr. Charles said. Julianne and Ruby clapped their hands and cheered for me. Ruby doesn’t get a role at all for the Black Swan theatre but she’s happy I got the role to be the main dancer. I think I know why she’s my best friend. The Black Swan theatre had ended. I rest at the backstage. “Hey, uh- your performance was good” said a man. I don’t even know who he is. “Thank you so much” I smiled while taking off my ballet shoes. Suddenly, the man stabbed my stomach with a knife. I was shock. But I got more shock when I know my stomach doesn’t let out a blood and my I doesn’t feel anything. “AAAGGHHHH!!” shout the man. “Security!! The man tried to kill Wendy McCole!!” shout Mr. Charles. “Are you okay?” asked Mr. Charles. I nodded still being quiet. Why am I not dead? Why don’t I feel anything? “Oh my god!! My daughter, Wendy!!” Mom cried. “Mom, I’m okay” I said. Mom still crying. “Mr. Charles, call the ambulance, hurry!!” cried Mom. “Mom, I’m fine” I said. Mr. Charles shook his head. “I’m sorry, Mrs. McCole. But we can’t do anything. She’s dead” said Mr. Charles. What? Mom shouted. I’m dead? But why can I still sense something? Suddenly my head got really dizzy. My sight went blurred and my ears buzzed so hard. I saw someone standing behind Mom. And she’s… me.

  • * * *

            “Wendy!! Get down here and eat your toast!!” Mom shouted from downstairs. I don’t care. I’m not in the mood of doing anything right now. I locked myself in my room with nothing to eat. I’m hungry but I don’t want to go outside my room. “Wendy, I will countdown from 5 and if you’re not eating your toast I’m gonna get you out” shout Mom again. “5!!” I’m still not responding. “4, Wendy, get down here!!” I heard stomping from the stairs. Mom is going to get me. “3, Wendy you have to eat or you’ll get starved!!” said Mom. “2!!” Mom is in front of my room. I can see her shadow from under the door. “1, Wendy open the door!!” Mom banging on the door. I curled up behind my door while covering my ears with my hands. “Wendy, get out here!!” Mom banging the door harder. “WENDY!!” shout Mom. I don’t wanna get out there. I don’t want to socialize right now. I heard Mom started to cry. “Wendy, it’s been a week. Can’t you just… get out of your room for once? What’s wrong with you?” cried Mom. “Mom, stop being delusional” I said with a low voice. “What do you mean?” said Mom. “Mom, I’m dead. I thought that’s what you wanted. You made stories about me trying to make a happy ending. And ended it with me being dead”

Nisa Amabel Adiningtyas from 8 Literasi MTs ALMATERA

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